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22 Things we want you to know that we didn’t

We’re all familiar with the saying hindsight is 20/20. As we move away from situations and people and events, we begin to see clearly our mistakes, our growth and what we could have done differently. Not to take away from the experience we had in those moments, we wouldn’t be who we are today without them, but if we can help you – our future care-takers – then we want to. You are the people we’ll depend on to make the world a better place, better than you found it.

I asked the folks I’m connected with on the social interwebs what they would have done differently or what advice they would give the next generation, here are 22 things we would like you to know….

Self: Trust, Awareness and Passion

“I would not have listened to any other ‘expert’ than myself regarding my career path. I listened to WAY too many other people’s well-meaning advice.”

“Follow your intuition. I can honestly say that the moment a job didn’t feel right, I left. It has always served me. Even if it was scary at first. Something better always surfaced.”

“Follow your passion regardless of the (perceived) monetary reward. The money will come and go and always be enough when you’re living your purpose. Take the risk to try something new – there will never be a ‘right’ time. Live within or below your means to support such risk taking. And DO YOU for you – don’t listen to other people’s opinions operating out of their own fears.”

“I would have not stifled my voice! Have faith in your abilities, don’t let others make you doubt yourself. And always be positive!”

“Fall in love with taking care of yourself – mind, body and spirit. Fall in love with a path of self-awareness and learning or healing first. Then fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself with patience, compassion and respect to your OWN purpose. Help others along your way.”

”Take the time to find out what you TRULY enjoy doing, which will obviously take time and many experiences.”

“Self-care means making time for rest, quiet and investing in your mental, emotional and spiritual health as much as your physical health. The mind, body and spirit are meant to work together…not separately.”

“1. Find your own definition of success to work toward. 2. Use the same rule for yourself as you would others if you are going to criticize, feedback is always good, but make it constructive and do it with love. 3. Don’t be nicer to others than you are to yourself.”

“The person that challenges you and holds you accountable loves you more than the person that watches you stay the same and settle for mediocrity.”

“You are allowed to negotiate.”

“Be kind, listen, ask questions and learn every day. Have a growth mindset and live with intention. If you believe, and you should believe, do not take no for an answer. Let no be the reason to take your plan back to the drawing board, not the reason to start over.

“Finding happiness in our business or our job has much to do with being able to use our skill strengths. Understanding our skills and passions is where we should start. Then, it’s finding opportunities that include those. “

“It’s easy to waste a lot of time on distractions that don’t really matter, practice enjoying the things that matter.”

Education: Yes, no or more focused

“There’s no need to jump right into college after high school unless you get some amazing scholarship or have a clear idea of what you want to do.“

“I should have stayed in school and got my doctorate.”

“I would have earned a more business-related degree. Find what you’re passionate about and don’t settle.”

Fear: Try the things…

“I would have tried more things. Traveled abroad. Took internships outside of what I thought I wanted to do. Took elective classes outside my major and comfort zone.”

“Not being afraid to ask more questions!”

“First piece of advice: There is no set timeline for success. My younger self thought there was, and instead of being a motivating thought, it caused me to stagnate. Also: There is no one set path to success. I took a long and winding route and learned a lot along the way; one thing I learned is that every person’s path looks different and that’s okay. But mostly: Don’t be afraid to ask for guidance, to reach out to others. My younger self thought I had to do it all on my own. “

Helping others

“Helping other people benefits your life in ways that you would not believe. Be service oriented!”

“Find a cause you believe in and give of your time to that organization! Your life will be so much richer!”

“Be cognizant of your words in the workplace. Focus on your job and less time being critical of how others are doing theirs.”


I hope you noticed how much advice was given about self-love, finding passion and being as true to yourself as possible. Nothing outside of you has any more power than you already have inside of you!

While we can’t change our history, you are making yours. Take what you will, share it all, and conquer the world in the way that only you can!

With Gratitude,

Rina Jensen
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